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Threshold for students included in reporting of secondary accountability results
Posted by arichards on March 19, 2012Indicators
The Design Team discussed the following threshold for students included in accountability reporting of secondary indicators:

"Students who completed at least 50 percent of a state-approved career preparation program by the end of the reporting year."
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I'm satisfied with the level as stated.
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We are strong supporters of establishing a national minimum standard by which states can define a committed student and we support the proposed level; however, it is our recommendation that the terminology of Concentrator remain as the name of the students that achieve the dosage required to be considered committed or what is being called ‘accountably enrolled’. We feel that the term is well known and understood. It is a part of the fabric and understanding of CTE and the designed and guided progression of a student. Additionally, as this term is in the mindset of stakeholders, it is also in publications and literature.
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Gary Gomes
• Will the threshold include 50% of all courses students take as part of their program of study or just the CTE courses? Massachusetts supports 50% of just CTE courses
• Would the threshold for CTE enrollment be defined as the entire program of study sequence the student takes from high school through postsecondary education?
• What if the student changes CTE concentrations from high school to college? Would we still count this student as a CTE enrollment even though the original Program of Study sequence is broken? What if a student transferred to a non-CTE program once in postsecondary education?
• Given these concerns, how can we define a threshold when we don’t know how we are defining a Perkins program of study? How can we define a Perkins program of study when we don’t know the rules for forming consortia, which would drive the state’s competitive selection process and the selection of appropriate training options?
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